Friday, March 20, 2009

Aha.. Now where was I? Oh, my "journey" into Network Marketing. Where does a person start? The beginning? THAT would be way too perdictable. I will get to that in time. Today, I need to vent. Ever feel that away? Sure you have! Some people would just rather spew all that stuff on their unsuspecting spouses. WOW, how would ya like to come home to THAT? So... here I go. The economy. There, I said it. It's what EVERYONE is talking about lately. How about that AIG thing? Let's look at this a minute. 1# Big company in financial trouble 2# big shots go to Washington and beg for money to bail them out 3# Capital Hill gives billions( it is billions isn't it? ) says country's economy will collapse if they don't 4# Leaders of this company take the money and GIVE to each other as bonuses. Is there something WRONG with this picture or what????? Did their Mamas drop them? Businesses are going bankrupt, people are getting laid-off left and right and those CEO's are profiting from their OWN bad managment. That is sooo wrong. I work for a company that did almost the same thing. They filed chapter 11 bankrupcy, or which ever one it is that you just have to "restructure" your business. They then proceeded to close alot of plants around the country, thoughfore laying off hundreds of people. I think maybe ours was saved simply because we are a Union plant. In the plants they kept, everyone that was NOT Union took BIG pay and benefit cuts. Then, like AIG, the CEO got a $4 million dollar bonus the day we emerged from bankrupcy. I know the people that took the big paycuts were MORE than happy to give to to him for the FINE job he did. lol
I said all that to say this. All that did NOT come as some big surprise. We could all see "the writing on the wall" long before the company started to fail. THAT is really when my "Journey" began. I saw the need for a Plan B. Do YOU have a Plan B? A Plan B is your back-up plan. I saw the way things were going at work. They (management) were cutting jobs and adding work to the ones that were left. At the end of the day, you were too tired to really do much else. I got to the point that I thought THERE has GOT to be a better way to make a living without breaking down your body and killing yourself. At that point I started to see ads on the internet. You know what I mean. You all have seen them. Ads that showed BIG houses, Fast cars, and promised more money than you could ever imagine. Yeah.. you know. Guess what I did next!

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